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Welcome! This section of the website is dedicated to providing information, resources, and helpful thoughts/suggestions on topics related to neuropsychology. We hope that these articles will help lead to greater knowledge and deeper understanding of complex topics like dyslexia/dysgraphia/dyscalculia, ADHD, and gifted/twice exceptional, and neuropsychology in general. If an article prompts an insight or a question, we'd love to hear from you!

ADHD: Unmasking Challenges and Celebrating Hidden Superpowers

Minnesota Physician Magazine Features Dr. Adams on Living with ADHD

Empathy, Compassion, and Empowerment: Navigating Life When Both Parent and Child Have ADHD

Anxiety and ADHD Medications

Overview of ADHD Medications

Self Compassion and ADHD

New Research on ADHD and Dyslexia Genes

Evolutionary ADHD Strengths

Empowering Girls with ADHD

Hormonal Variations and ADHD Symptoms

Inertia to Momentum in ADHD

New Virtual Reality ADHD Assessment Tool

As Heard on MPR News

ADHD is a neurobiological condition. It is not caused by poor parenting. 

ADHD Coping Skills: Old and New

ADHD Basics: ADHD is a Lifespan Condition

Focus in ADHD

ADHD and Emotions: Expand the Nanosecond

ADHD: A Shift in Mindset

ADHD Superpowers