Parents of children with ADHD often blame themselves for their child’s behavior, especially when the symptoms are problematic at home but not at school.
Remember this: ADHD is a neurobiological condition. It is not caused by poor parenting.
It is common for kids with ADHD to experience/express more emotional dysregulation and/or impulsive behaviors at home, where they feel more comfortable, and are often needing a release after a long exhausting day at school.
This does not mean that the parents are the problem. It means that the parents need more support through behavior management strategies specifically designed to help with ADHD symptoms. It means that the child with ADHD needs more support through coping skills and developmentally appropriate self-regulation skills which can be taught and practiced through therapy or coaching.
Parenting a child with ADHD requires extra support and often new/different strategies for behavior management because the child has needs at a higher level of intensity than their peers.