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Evaluation Services

At Minnesota Neuropsychology, we celebrate the extraordinary and unique potential of every mind. Our comprehensive evaluations identify learning differences like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD through a holistic lens. By assessing cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning, we provide clear insights to empower individuals and families. With a grateful understanding of each person's unique brilliance and challenges, we open doors to personal growth and lifelong success.


Dyslexia is a brain-processing difference that limits the efficiency and accuracy of reading. Dysgraphia is a difference that affects aspects of writing, such as spelling, legibility, letter/word spacing, grammar, and composition. Neuropsychological evaluation can help clarify the diagnosis of dyslexia or dysgraphia and give a deeper understanding of the root cause of struggles as well as information about an individual’s unique strengths.


Dyscalculia is a learning difference that affects an individual’s ability to understand math, learn basic math facts, and perform math procedures. A neuropsychological evaluation can help to understand root causes of the struggles, provide a diagnosis if appropriate,and set up supports and accommodations.


ADHD, a learning difference that impacts attention, can affect children and adults in different ways. You might see that your child is smart and talented, but still can’t seem to focus on schoolwork. Or, as an adult, you might find it difficult to stay on top of your bills or show up on time for appointments.

Preschool Assessments

A neuropsychological evaluation can provide important information about your child’s patterns of strengths and weaknesses and provide insight into areas where your child may benefit from additional support. Having detailed information about these aspects of neurodevelopment can provide helpful guidance in terms of setting up accommodations, interventions, and enrichment opportunities for your child.


Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) is a complex condition characterized by a discrepancy between verbal and visual-spatial reasoning skills, often impacting fine motor skills, attention, executive functioning, and/or social interactions.

Gifted/Twice Exceptional

A gifted child might have enhanced academic skills far beyond their grade level. Or, they might be extremely bright yet unable to complete their homework. Minnesota Neuropsychology offers comprehensive evaluations to assess for intellectual aptitude and learning differences in the context of possible twice exceptionality.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral condition that involves a combination of emotional dysregulation and interactional/social conflict. You might notice a pattern of anger/irritability, low frustration tolerance, argumentativeness, deflection of blame, and (sometimes) vindictiveness.

The Importance of a Clinical Assessment

Neuropsychological evaluation provides a careful look at the learning and attention struggles, and provides recommendations for ways to treat or work around them.